Creative Coding ✦ Storytelling ✦ Typography

People Need Parks is an exploration into what role parks play in our communities, how they shape our future relationships with nature, and who has access to these spaces.

Everyone deserves access to high-quality, publicly owned green space; a community-oriented environment to interact with nature safely and curiously.

The problem is that this is not the case; not everyone has this access, and not everyone believes or understands the significance of publicly owned and accessible green space.

Therefore, the goal of these posters is to utilize numerical and colloquial "data" to represent the importance of public parks and their prevalence in many cities across the US. I'm planning to both share these online and have them printed and hung in their respective cities -- I hope that people will come across them, take photos, share them with friends, and take the time to reflect on all of the parks in their life (or the lack thereof). If you’d like to participate, there are high-quality pdf’s of each poster linked below that you are welcome to download, print, and wheatpaste in your own city, as long as you do not claim to have created them.

I used code to represent the density of parks in this project, inputting the density of parks in each city to create density bubbles with p5js. I do hope to expand this project, focusing on what more People Need Parks can do/advocate for, and analyzing more data about the interplay of park density, access, quality, and socioeconomic factors.
